The term “1911” refers to a specific type of handgun based largely on the original Colt pistol designed by John Moses Browning. The reason why these firearms are called 1911s comes from the model designation given to it by the U.S. Army when the service awarded a contract to Colt in March 1911. The 1911 is a magazine-fed, semi-automatic, single-action pistol that typically fires a 45 Automatic Colt Pistol (dubbed “ACP”) cartridge. The 1911 design has evolved over the years to incorporate new chamberings, such as 22 Long Rifle or 9mm Luger. More modern variations of the 1911 have larger magazines, grips, and other accessories and are dubbed “2011s.” These newer versions still share the same basic mechanics and design as the original 1911 handgun.

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